In [1]:
%pylab inline
from pylab import *

import numpy as np #  convert list to array

### Importing files from different folder 
import sys
from complex_func_plot_CsJ  import *  #notebook written by J. Cs. to plot complex functions

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import * #3D-s ábrák alcsomagja
from ipywidgets import *  #interaktivitáshoz szükséges függvények
from matplotlib import cm

#from scipy import special 
from scipy.special import jn,fresnel

from colorsys import hls_to_rgb
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb

#import mpmath
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

The diffraction of waves by a half-plane, Sommerfeld's exact solution:

The diffraction of a plane wave by a semiinfinite plane sheet is treated rigorously by Sommerfeld.

Original work: Sommerfeld, A 1896 ‘Theorie der diffraction’ Math. Ann. 47 317-374

$E_z$ polarizitation:

Here we assume that for the incident light $E_x=E_y=H_z = 0$, ie, the electric field is perpendicular to the incident plane called E-polarization. From now we introduce the notation $\psi(\mathbf{r}) = E_z(\mathbf{r})$.

The incident plane waves diffracting on an infinitely thin, half-plane defined by $x>0, y =0$ in polar coordinates ($x = \cos \varphi, y = \sin \varphi$, and $\varphi = [0,2\pi]$) is given by

$$ E_z(\mathbf{r}) \equiv \psi(\mathbf{r}) = e^{-ikr \cos\left(\varphi - \varphi_0\right)}, $$

where the wave coming from the direction $\varphi_0$ to the origin and $k=2\pi/\lambda$ is the wave number.

Sommerfeld's famous result (may be found in Born & Wolf, 7th Ed., chapter XI, p. 633. see here),
the exact solution of this diffraction problem is

$$ \psi(\mathbf{r}) = \frac{ e^{-i\frac{\pi}{4}}}{\sqrt{\pi}}\, e^{-i k r }\, \left[ G(u_-) +\alpha \, G(u_+) \right] , $$


where $u_-(\mathbf{r}) = -\sqrt{2kr} \cos\frac{\varphi-\varphi_0}{2} $, $u_+(\mathbf{r}) = -\sqrt{2kr} \cos\frac{\varphi+\varphi_0}{2} $, and \begin{align} G(u) &= e^{-i u^2}\, \int_u^\infty e^{i t^2}\, dt = - e^{-i u^2}\sqrt{\frac{\pi }{2}} \left[ C\left(u \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\right) +i S\left(u \sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\right)-\left(\frac{1}{2} +\frac{i}{2}\right) \right], \end{align} with $C,S$ are the Fresnel integrals defined according to python or Mathematica.

Boundary conditions:

$\alpha =1$ for Neumann, $\alpha =-1$ for Dirichlet boundary conditions, $\alpha =0$ for black screen.

The current distribution:

$$ \mathbf{j} = \mathrm{Im}\{\psi^* \mathrm{grad} \,\psi \} = \rho^2 \, \mathrm{grad}\, \chi , $$

where $\psi (\mathbf r) = \rho(\mathbf r) e^{i \chi (\mathbf r)}$, with modulus $\rho$ and phase $\chi$. The current vector perpendicular to the contour lines of the phase $\chi (\mathbf{r})$.

The gradient of $\psi$ can be calculated analytically:

\begin{align} \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x} &= - e^{-i\frac{\pi}{4}} \, \frac{e^{i k r}}{2r} \left\{ u_+ +\alpha \, u_- + i \, 2 k r \cos\varphi_0 \left[G(u_-) +\alpha \, G(u_+)\right] \right\}, \\ \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial y} &= -e^{-i\frac{\pi}{4}} \, \frac{e^{i k r}}{2r} \left\{ v_+ + \alpha \, v_- + i \, 2 k r \sin \varphi_0 \left[G(u_-) -\alpha \, G(u_+)\right] \right\}, \end{align}

where $v_-(\mathbf{r}) = -\sqrt{2kr} \sin\frac{\varphi-\varphi_0}{2} $, $v_+(\mathbf{r}) = -\sqrt{2kr} \sin\frac{\varphi+\varphi_0}{2} $.

Note that from the Maxwell equations it follows that the magnetic field is perpendicular to $\mathrm{grad} \,\psi $, namely \begin{align} H_x & = \frac{1}{ik}\, \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial y}, \sim j_y \\ H_x & = -\frac{1}{ik}\, \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial x} \sim -j_x, \end{align} thus the magnetic field $\mathbf{H}$ is perpendicular to the current vector $\mathbf{j}$. Note that there could be a misprint in Eq. (28) on page 648 of Born & Wolf's book (7th Ed.), namely $H_y$ in the book should be multiply by a factor -1.

$H_z$ polarizitation:

The incident light $H_x=H_y=E_z = 0$, ie, the magnetic field is perpendicular to the incident plane called H-polarization. From now we introduce the notation $\psi(\mathbf{r}) = H_z(\mathbf{r})$.

Some other works:

Berry's paper

In this paper the screen is rotated by $-90^\circ$ which we may denote by the rotation matrix $R$. Then the wave function in Berry's paper can be obtained from the Born-Wolf result $\psi (\mathbf{r}) $ shown above if we set $\varphi_0 = 3\pi/2$ and then rotate the wave function by $R$ according to the general rule: $\psi^{\left(\mathrm{Berry}\right)}\equiv \psi^\prime (\mathbf{r}) = \psi (R^{-1} \mathbf{r})$, i.e., $\varphi \to \varphi + 90^\circ$ and $r \to r$.

Berry's paper: Gauge-invariant Aharonov–Bohm streamlines

M. Berry's note

In [2]:
## The diffraction of waves by a half-plane, Sommerfeld's exact solution

def vszog(x,y):
    #  fi = [0,2*pi]  normal definicio
    return where(y<0,arctan2(y,x)+2*pi,arctan2(y,x))

## G(a) is defined in Eq. (25) on page 682 in Born-Wolf's book (7th editions)

def G_func(a):
    tmp=fresnel(sqrt(2/pi)*a)  #  ---> FresnelS, FresnelC
    res= -exp(-1j*a**2)*sqrt(pi/2)*(1j*tmp[0] + tmp[1] - (1+1j)/2)

Wave function: 

$\psi$ defined above:

boundary ---> \alpha in the expression given above
boundary=0 #  black screen boundary conditions
boundary=-1 #  Dirichlet boundary conditions
boundary=1 #  Neumann boundary conditions


def psi_func_Born_Wolf(x, y, *params):
    #E_z = psi is defined in Eq. (26) on page 682 in Born-Wolf's book (7th editions)
    k=1 #  wave number, r is in units of \lambda/(2 pi)
    fi0, boundary = params  #  parameters for the function
    r= sqrt(x**2+y**2)    # sqrt(x**2+y**2)

    um = -tmp*cos((fi-fi0)/2)
    up = -tmp*cos((fi+fi0)/2)

def psi_func_Born_Wolf_Hz(x, y, *params):
    #H_z = psi is defined in Eq. (45) on page 687 in Born-Wolf's book (7th editions)
    k=1 #  wave number, r is in units of \lambda/(2 pi)
    fi0, boundary = params  #  parameters for the function
    r= sqrt(x**2+y**2)    # sqrt(x**2+y**2)

    um = -tmp*cos((fi-fi0)/2)
    up = -tmp*cos((fi+fi0)/2)

def psi_func_Born_Wolf_current(func, x,y,*params):
    fi0, boundary = params  #  parameters for the function
    k=1 #  wave number, r is in units of \lambda/(2 pi)
    psi = func(x,y,*params)
    um = -tmp*cos((fi-fi0)/2)
    up = -tmp*cos((fi+fi0)/2)
    vm = -tmp*sin((fi-fi0)/2)
    vp = -tmp*sin((fi+fi0)/2)
    fact = -exp(-1j*pi/4)*exp(1j*k*r)/(2*r)
    tmp1 = up + boundary*um
    tmp2 = 1j* 2*k * r* cos(fi0)* (G_func(um)+boundary*G_func(up))
    gradpsi_x = fact*(tmp1+tmp2)
    tmp1 = vp + boundary*vm
    tmp2 = 1j* 2*k * r* sin(fi0)* (G_func(um)-boundary*G_func(up))
    gradpsi_y = fact*(tmp1+tmp2)
    jx= imag(conjugate(psi)*gradpsi_x)
    jy= imag(conjugate(psi)*gradpsi_y)
    # for test
In [3]:
arctan2(y,x) does not give the right angle, according to the above definition of \varphi:

rp=[[1,1],[-1,1],[-1,-1],[1,-1]]   #  points in the four quadrant

[szog.append(180/pi*arctan2(rp[i][1],rp[i][0])) for i in range(len(rp))]
([[1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]], [45.0, 135.0, -135.0, -45.0])
In [4]:
# Now it is ok
rp, [180/pi*vszog(rp[i][0],rp[i][1]) for i in range(len(rp))], 180/pi*vszog(0,-1)
([[1, 1], [-1, 1], [-1, -1], [1, -1]], [45.0, 135.0, 225.0, 315.0], 270.0)
In [5]:
In [6]:
x,y =(-3,2)
for i in array([-1,0,1]):
    print(i,psi_func_Born_Wolf(x, y, *[pi/2,-1]))
-1 (-0.26744130330123594-0.6286881631236642j)
0 (-0.26744130330123594-0.6286881631236642j)
1 (-0.26744130330123594-0.6286881631236642j)
In [7]:
x,y =(-3,2)
for i in array([-1,0,1]):
    print(i,psi_func_Born_Wolf_current(psi_func_Born_Wolf,x, y, *[pi/2,-1]))
-1 (0.34324403014618143, -1.4137550152486027)
0 (0.34324403014618143, -1.4137550152486027)
1 (0.34324403014618143, -1.4137550152486027)
In [8]:
x,y =(-3,2)
for i in array([-1,0,1]):
    print(i,psi_func_Born_Wolf_Hz(x, y, *[pi/2,-1]))
-1 (0.9743955101485517-0.4726308205314622j)
0 (0.9743955101485517-0.4726308205314622j)
1 (0.9743955101485517-0.4726308205314622j)
In [9]:
x,y =(-3,2)
for i in array([-1,0,1]):
    print(i,psi_func_Born_Wolf_current(psi_func_Born_Wolf_Hz,x, y, *[pi/2,-1]))
-1 (0.07085842202808526, -0.021454203918236714)
0 (0.07085842202808526, -0.021454203918236714)
1 (0.07085842202808526, -0.021454203918236714)

$ \left\{-i k \cos (\text{fi0}) G(\text{uum}) e^{i k r}-i k \sigma \cos (\text{fi0}) G(\text{uup}) e^{i k r}+\frac{\sigma e^{i k r} \sqrt{k r} \cos \left(\frac{\text{fi0}-\var phi }{2}\right)}{\sqrt{2} r}+\frac{e^{i k r} \sqrt{k r} \cos \left(\frac{\text{fi0}+\var phi }{2}\right)}{\sqrt{2} r},-i k \sin (\text{fi0}) G(\text{uum}) e^{i k r}+i k \sigma \sin (\text{fi0}) G(\text{uup}) e^{i k r}-\frac{\sigma e^{i k r} \sqrt{k r} \sin \left(\frac{\text{fi0}-\var phi }{2}\right)}{\sqrt{2} r}+\frac{e^{i k r} \sqrt{k r} \sin \left(\frac{\text{fi0}+\var phi }{2}\right)}{\sqrt{2} r}\right\} $

In [10]:
def test_fn(x,y,*params):

    res = z   # for test 
In [11]:
#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

domain = [-3, 3, -3, 3]
params = ''


#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(5, 4), sharey=True)

fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(5, 5), sharey=True)

wave_func_phase_color(test_fn, domain, Np, title, *params)
#wave_func_2D(test_fn, domain, Np, title, *params)
wave_func_phase_contour(test_fn, domain, Np, title, *params);

#plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');

$E_z$ polarization

Dirichlet boundary conditions, boundary=-1

In [12]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [1.*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 2*pi
Np = 200
N_level = 15

title = '$E_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(6, 5))
fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(10, 10), sharey=True)

wave_func_2D(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params)


wave_func_2D_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, N_level, title, *params);
plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
zmax = 4.3610681667766
zmax = 4.3610681667766
In [13]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 5*pi
Np = 200

title = '$E_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6))
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace = 0.33 )

wave_func_2D(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params)

plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
#ax1.axhline(y=0, xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], color='k', lw=7, ls='solid')

ym= -1*pi
ax1.axhline(y=ym, xmin=domain[0], xmax=domain[1],color='r', ls='--')



plot(xv,abs(psi_func_Born_Wolf(xv, ym, *params)))

ax2.axhline(y=1, xmin=xv[0], xmax=xv[-1],color='k', ls='--')
ax2.axhline(y=0.5, xmin=xv[0], xmax=xv[-1],color='k', ls='--')

ax2.set_title('$\Psi(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]))
ax2.set_xlabel(r'$x\, (\lambda/2 \pi)$', fontsize=15)
ax2.set_ylabel(r'${|\psi(x)|}^2$', fontsize=15)



print('ym (in units of wave length)= ',ym/(2*pi))
zmax = 4.49098037392295
ym (in units of wave length)=  -0.5
In [14]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [1.*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 2.0*pi
Np = 200

title = '$\chi(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(8, 8), sharey=True)

wave_func_phase_color(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params);

wave_func_phase_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params);

plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
In [15]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [1.*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 2.0*pi

title = '$\chi(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(8, 8), sharey=True)

wave_func_current(psi_func_Born_Wolf, psi_func_Born_Wolf_current, domain, Np, title, *params);
wave_func_phase_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params);

plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
In [16]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [1.*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 2.0*pi

title = '$\mathbf{j}(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(8, 8), sharey=True)

wave_func_current(psi_func_Born_Wolf, psi_func_Born_Wolf_current, domain, Np, title, *params);

plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
In [17]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [0.5*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 3*pi
N_level = 15

title = '$E_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(6, 5))
fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(10, 9), sharey=True)

#plot_domain(domaincol_co, psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params, daxis=True);
wave_func_phase_color(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np,  title, *params)
wave_func_phase_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params);


#wave_func_current(psi_func_Born_Wolf, psi_func_Born_Wolf_current, domain, Np, title, *params);
plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
In [18]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [1.*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary 

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 5*pi

title = '$E_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(5, 4), sharey=True)


wave_func_3D(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params)

#plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
#plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
zmax = 4.488759175321487
In [19]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [1.0*pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary 

size = 5*pi

title = '$\chi(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))


plt.subplot(2, 2, 1)
plot_domain(domaincol_c, psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params, daxis=True)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 2)
plot_domain(domaincol_m, psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params, daxis=True)
plt.subplot(2, 2, 3)
plot_domain(domaincol_co, psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params, daxis=True)
/home/cserti/programok/python/DOMAIN_COLORING/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  logm = np.log(modulus)/c#log base 2
/home/cserti/programok/python/DOMAIN_COLORING/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log
  logm = np.log(modul)
/home/cserti/programok/python/DOMAIN_COLORING/ RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in true_divide
  x = x / t
/home/cserti/programok/python/DOMAIN_COLORING/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in subtract
  return m + (M-m) * (x-np.floor(x))

Neumann boundary conditions, boundary=1

In [20]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [pi/2, 1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 3*pi
Np = 200
N_level = 15

title = '$E_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(6, 5))
fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(10, 10), sharey=True)

wave_func_2D(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params)


wave_func_2D_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, N_level, title, *params);
plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
zmax = 5.471398346285732
zmax = 5.471398346285732

Black screen boundary conditions, boundary=0

In [21]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [pi/2, 0]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 2*pi
Np = 200
N_level = 15

title = '$E_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(6, 5))
fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(10, 10), sharey=True)

wave_func_2D(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, title, *params)


wave_func_2D_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf, domain, Np, N_level, title, *params);
plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
zmax = 1.3704429119848116
zmax = 1.3704429119848116

$H_z$ polarization

In [22]:
###   half-plane scattering, Sommerfeld solution, Born-Wolf 

params = [pi/2, -1]   # fi0,   boundary

#   domain --> domain to be plotted: 
#   x --> (domain[0],domain[1]), 
#   y --> (domain[2],domain[3])

size = 2*pi
Np = 200
N_level = 15

title = '$H_z(\mathbf{r}), $'+ ' boundary = ' + str(params[1]) + r'$, \,\, \varphi_0 = $' + str(round(params[0]*180/pi,1))

#fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 3), sharey=True)
#fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(6, 5))
fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,1,  figsize=(10, 10), sharey=True)

wave_func_2D(psi_func_Born_Wolf_Hz, domain, Np, title, *params)


wave_func_2D_contour(psi_func_Born_Wolf_Hz, domain, Np, N_level, title, *params);
plt.hlines(y=0,xmin=0, xmax=domain[1], colors='k', lw=7, linestyles='solid');
zmax = 5.476813714140869
zmax = 5.476813714140869
In [ ]: